‘O’- Rings (Silicone/Viton/Epdm/Neoprene/Nitrile)
Rekson Rubber & Polymer Technologies offers it's wide range of O-rings from 1.0 mm ID to 900 mm ID from its 5000 single piece moulds. O-Rings are manufactured on a hydraulic press with tightly controlled temperature, Pressure and time which ensures accurate dimensions, glossy nish & invisible hsa line, properly post cured and absolutely defect free articles.
These O-rings are also manufactured as per the dimensional tolerance specified by the customers and available from Nitrile, Neoprene, Silicone, EPDM, Hapalon, NBR, Viton & Butyl Rubber or in any other rubber as per customer's specification.
We also manufacture Viton O-Rings from 1mm ID - 5000 mm ID or in any sizes through step moulding process which gives joint less O-Rings of dimensionally accurate & excellent workmanship and finish.
• Filter Housings
• Membrane Filter Holder
• Heat Exchangers
• RMG Discharge Port
• Pneumatic Cylinders
• Spray Guns
• Other sealing applications.
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